A Fairy-tale about White Mouse
A project for portfolio risography call by Kitokia Grafika, 2018.
Illustrations by Vaiva Kovieraite-Trumpe, text by Ugnius Ratnikas.
"One cold winter day the white little mouse was born. He drew his nose out of the cave, looked around and saw the white white world..."
A project for portfolio risography call by Kitokia Grafika, 2018.
Illustrations by Vaiva Kovieraite-Trumpe, text by Ugnius Ratnikas.
"One cold winter day the white little mouse was born. He drew his nose out of the cave, looked around and saw the white white world..."
Kūriniais ant reklaminių stendų įvairiose Šiaulių miesto dalyse, 2018
Šiauliečių menininkų dovana valstybės jubiliejui.
Artėjant Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo 100-mečio minėjimui, Šiauliai pasipuošė šiauliečių menininkų sukurtais darbais, eksponuojamais ant reklaminių stendų visame mieste.
Šiaulių miesto dailininkai, skulptoriai, keramikai, tapytojai, grafikai, fotografai, architektai, dizaineriai ir kitų sričių kūrėjai, neabejingi Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo 100-mečio minėjimui, pakviesti papuošti miestą savo kūriniais. Dėkojame grafikei Vaivai Kovieraitei-Trumpei, skulptoriui Kaziui Bimbai ir tekstilininkei Nijolei Sitonytei už jau pateiktus darbus – dovanas Šiauliams ir Lietuvai valstybės atkūrimo 100-mečio proga.
Menininkų darbai bus eksponuojami visus metus Šiaulių mieste ant reklamos įmonės UAB „Clear Channel Lietuva“ reklaminių įrenginių, laisvais nuo komercinės reklamos periodais.
Šiauliečių menininkų dovana valstybės jubiliejui.
Artėjant Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo 100-mečio minėjimui, Šiauliai pasipuošė šiauliečių menininkų sukurtais darbais, eksponuojamais ant reklaminių stendų visame mieste.
Šiaulių miesto dailininkai, skulptoriai, keramikai, tapytojai, grafikai, fotografai, architektai, dizaineriai ir kitų sričių kūrėjai, neabejingi Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo 100-mečio minėjimui, pakviesti papuošti miestą savo kūriniais. Dėkojame grafikei Vaivai Kovieraitei-Trumpei, skulptoriui Kaziui Bimbai ir tekstilininkei Nijolei Sitonytei už jau pateiktus darbus – dovanas Šiauliams ir Lietuvai valstybės atkūrimo 100-mečio proga.
Menininkų darbai bus eksponuojami visus metus Šiaulių mieste ant reklamos įmonės UAB „Clear Channel Lietuva“ reklaminių įrenginių, laisvais nuo komercinės reklamos periodais.
Riso Print Project "40 Weeks and 6 Months". The book is based on personal interpretation of being mother. 40 weeks of being pregnant and 6 months of being mom.
Printed with Kitokia Grafika
The Sticker on window during art project "Satellites" in Siauliai, 2016
2014 October -November III Latgale Graphic Art Symposium“Apothecary notes” Mark Rothko Art Center, Daugavpils, Latvia
Apothecary notes is a common theme for the final exhibition by the end of III Latgale Graphic Art Symposium. As Jacob Rothkowitz, father to Mark Rothko – an outstanding founder of abstract expressionism, was apothecary in Dvinsk, so it is natural that the theme of pharmacy and apothecary is perused in graphic art Residence of this year, developing direct connection between inheritance of traditions and sustainability.
Residents of 2014 from five countries – Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Serbia – had an opportunity to fill and to sense surroundings and events, dynamics and variability in the frame of centuries in Daugavpils by turning to interpretation of life, feelings, mood and meaning of apothecary in the form of “notes”.
Apothecary notes is a common theme for the final exhibition by the end of III Latgale Graphic Art Symposium. As Jacob Rothkowitz, father to Mark Rothko – an outstanding founder of abstract expressionism, was apothecary in Dvinsk, so it is natural that the theme of pharmacy and apothecary is perused in graphic art Residence of this year, developing direct connection between inheritance of traditions and sustainability.
Residents of 2014 from five countries – Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Serbia – had an opportunity to fill and to sense surroundings and events, dynamics and variability in the frame of centuries in Daugavpils by turning to interpretation of life, feelings, mood and meaning of apothecary in the form of “notes”.
2014 International ZooArt festival, Giardini Fresia, Cuneo, Italy
2013 "Graphics from Drawing to Shadow", Vilnius Graphic Art Centre's gallery „Kairė – dešinė“, Lithuania
Performance in Amsterdam and Ommen during International Art Project “Wonderous Stories: From Xenophobia to Amazement”, Netherlands, 2012
Mail art (also known as postal art and correspondence art) is a populist artistic movement centered on sending small scale works through the postal service. It initially developed out of the Fluxus movement in the 1950s and 60s, though it has since developed into a global movement that continues to the present.
List of the images:
Project "Doctor Mail Art Recommends", Germany, March 31, 2007
Project "Freaks, geeks and strange encounters", UK, July 10, 2009
Project "George Maciunas and Beyond Fluxus", USA/Lithuania, June 31, 2011
Project "The Future", Japan, May 15, 2012
Project "What do you think", Romania, June 15, 2012
Project "In the Air", France, April 30, 2009
Project "Peace.You name it", Belgium, October 15, 2009
Project "Culture", Belgium, April 22, 2009
Project "Toe Tags", USA, July 21, 2007
List of the images:
Project "Doctor Mail Art Recommends", Germany, March 31, 2007
Project "Freaks, geeks and strange encounters", UK, July 10, 2009
Project "George Maciunas and Beyond Fluxus", USA/Lithuania, June 31, 2011
Project "The Future", Japan, May 15, 2012
Project "What do you think", Romania, June 15, 2012
Project "In the Air", France, April 30, 2009
Project "Peace.You name it", Belgium, October 15, 2009
Project "Culture", Belgium, April 22, 2009
Project "Toe Tags", USA, July 21, 2007